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Water Management in Rice Polders, Nickerie, Surinam
Host institute(s): Overliggend Waterschap OW-MCP, Nickerie, i.s.m. de Anton de Kom University, Paramaribo
Country: Surinam
Period: open, but keep in mind that it normally takes about two month to prepare the internship
Project ...
Supervisor: Alex Bolding
Department: Water Resources Management group |
Dry land farming in Melanmarainadu Village
Country: India
Host institute: Don Bosco Boys Home, Melanmarainadu , Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu
Period: open
Project type: thesis internship BIL
The Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) are an International Rel ...
Supervisor: tbd
Department: Water Resources Management group |
Groundwater governance in the Aquifer Cienega de Chapala, Michoacan
Country: Mexico
Host institute: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico/ Universidad de la Cienega
del Estado de Michoacán, Mexico
Period: open
Agro-export crops have become popular amongst producers in many parts of the wor ...
Supervisor: Jaime Hoogesteger
Department: Water Resources Management group |
Berries, land and livelihoods in the ejido Jerusalem, Michoacán, Mexico.
Country: Mexico
Host institute: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico/ Universidad de la Cienega
del Estado de Michoacán, Mexico
Period: open
Agro-export crops have become popular amongst producers in many parts of the wor ...
Supervisor: Jaime Hoogesteger
Department: Water Resources Management group |
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