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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Berries, land and water in the ejido Jerusalem, Michoacán, Mexico.
Country: Mexico Host institute: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico Period: open Agro-export crops have become popular amongst producers in many parts of the world, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Berries  ...
Supervisor: Jaime Hoogesteger
Department: Water Resources Management group
Pathways for Rights-Based Approaches in Mekong Hydropower: Pak Beng Dam in Laos
Countries: Vientiane, Lao PDR Host Institute: International Water Management Institute, Laos Period: Flexible (field work cannot take place from June to September due to poor road condition and access in the rainy seasons) Br ...
Supervisor: Esha Shah (WRM); Diana Suhardiman (IWMI)
Department: Water Resources Management group
Cultural Economy of Large Dam Infrastructure: Sardar Sarovar Dam on the River Narmada, India
Country: India Host Institute: Various Local Institutes Period: Flexible (the best fieldwork period would be Sep Mar when irrigation is ongoing) Project type: thesis; 4 different positions available The Sardar Sarovar Projec ...
Supervisor: Esha Shah
Department: Water Resources Management group
Practices and Politics of Urban Irrigation
Country: various in Africa and Asia Host institute: various institutes Period: open Problem context Urban water flows are widely used for urban and peri-urban agricultural production by poor city dwellers, irrespective of wh ...
Supervisor: Esha Shah, Gert Jan Veldwisch and/or Matthijs

Department: Water Resources Management group
Linking Food System Transformation with Inclusive Development Institutional Emergence and the Creation of Political Spaces in Mekong Hydropower
Countries: Vientiane, Lao PDR Host Institute: International Water Management Institute, Laos Period: Flexible (field work cannot take place from June to September due to poor road condition and access in the rainy seasons) Th ...
Supervisor: Esha Shah (WRM); Diana Suhardiman (IWMI)
Department: Water Resources Management group
Golf courses, local communities, and the political construction of water scarcity in Mendoza, Argentina
Host institute(s): CONICET, Mendoza Host supervisor: Dr Robin Larsimont (Geographer, Environmental Justice researcher) Country: Argentina Period: open Problem context The world is experiencing a boom in golf courses and lu ...
Supervisor: Prof. Rutgerd Boelens & Dr. Jeroen Vos
Department: Water Resources Management group
Politics and Practices of Water Modelling
Country: various countries Host institute: various institutes Period: open Problem context Simulation models are often used tools for informing water management decisions, often involving multiple stakeholders, performance i ...
Supervisor: Pieter van Oel, Jaime Hoogesteger and/or Gert Jan Veldwisch
Department: Water Resources Management group
Masculinities and Water Profession
Country: Anywhere Period: Flexible Project description It is forcefully argued that “irrigation world continues to be man’s world” because the professional irrigation domain is heavily male dominated. Most irrigation professi ...
Supervisor: Esha Shah
Department: Water Resources Management group
Veiligheid zwemmers buiten formele zwemwaterlocaties
Country: Nederland Host institute: Deltares Wij zijn op zoek naar een masterstudent die geïnteresseerd is in onderzoek naar de veiligheid van zwemmers in niet-officiële zwemwateren. Er wordt steeds meer gezwommen buiten de aan ...
Supervisor: Pieter van Oel
Department: Water Resources Management group
Water for Food Water for Life, are we getting somewhere or are we getting nowhere?
Host institute(s): WUR, possibly IWMI Country: Global assessment Period: flexible Project type: topic for bachelor or master thesis, or Research Practice (WRM 79342) at WRM group. Preferably, 3-4 students work in a group (to ov ...
Supervisor: Chris Seijger
Department: Water Resources Management group
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