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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Socio-economic Water Productivity Analysis (dual thesis opportunity)
Country: Egypt Host institute: MetaMeta / IHE / WUR End date: to be determined Problem context Improving Water Productivity (WP) is currently high on the list of objectives of various water related projects. The Water Produ ...
Supervisor: tbd
Department: Water Resources Management group
Smart and data-driven drip irrigation system: a cost-effective solution to increase crop productivity in developing countries
Country: Netherlands Host institute: MegaGroup Trade Holding B.V. Period: tbd Project type: thesis or internship Problem context A major share of developing countries’ GDP is dependent on agriculture. Water is a critical i ...
Supervisor: Harm Boesveld, Raphael Kiran
Department: Water Resources Management group
Citizen science in uMngeni Catchment (South Africa)
Country: South Africa (Pietermaritzburg) Host institute: Duzi-uMngeni Conservation Trust (DUCT), Blue Deal South Africa & GroundTruth Monitoring water can no longer be the domain of scientists alone. In this regard citizen s ...
Supervisor: Alex Bolding
Department: Water Resources Management group
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