Project properties

Title Irrigation management in DR061, Michoacán, Mexico: berries, canaleros and WUAs .
Group Water Resources Management group
Project type thesis
Credits 36
Supervisor(s) Jaime Hoogesteger
Contact info
Begin date 2020/01/01
End date 2022/01/01
Description Country: Mexico
Host institute: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico/ Universidad de la Cienega
del Estado de Michoacán, Mexico
Period: open

Agro-export crops have become popular amongst producers in many parts of the world, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Berries are a group of crops that have become in high demand year round in Europe and North America offering high prices and stable markets to its producers. In the state of Michoacán in central Mexico, the production of berries has boomed since at least the 2000s. Its production has changed land use and irrigation dynamics. This the case in the Irrigation District 061 (Zamora) where berry producers have changed their water use practices due to the new water requirements of berries as well as the water quality requirements that are set by the certification standards for the export. These changes have important implications for irrigation management in the irrigation system that is managed by a Water Users Association.

Research Objective/Question
This research aims to understand how ditch tenders (canaleros) and the Water Users Association are dealing with the changing irrigation requirements in the DR 061 and how these changes are negotiated between individual water users, canaleros and the collective represented by the Water Users Association.

What is expected from the student (type of research)
The student is expected to do fieldwork in the irrigation district to understand the dynamics that are shaping irrigation management in the DR 061. Through ethnographic research and interviews the student(s) will identify and describe how
irrigation management is changing to adapt to the constantly changing context.
Used skills Ethnographic research methods
Requirements MIL