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Anatomical traits regulate cavitation resistance in conifer tree species
Conifers (co-)dominate in many forests in different climates across the temperate zone, with some species better adapted to cold or dry habitats than others. Their wood anatomical traits (i.e., extremely narrow tracheid size and ...
Supervisor: Yanjun Song, Frank Sterck, Ute Sass-Klaassen
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Dieback of the Amazon rainforest giants? Can tree hydraulics provide a clue?
Amazon tropical rainforests are increasingly impacted by el-Nino droughts. During those severe drought events, it is especially the large canopy trees that are dying. It is thought that the water relationships (i.e. hydraulics) of ...
Supervisor: FEM group: Lourens Poorter
Other organisation: Dr Flavia Costa, INPA, Manaus, Brazil
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Functional fire resilience in Amazonian forests
Also possible as BSc thesis/ BSc internship/ MSc thesis/ MSc internship
Our project is about the resilience of Amazonian forests to fire. We try to understand this resilience based on functional traits, and work with these for ...
Supervisor: Dr. Masha van der Sande, David Pacuk (MSc)
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Can we link drought effects on tropical tree growth with tree mortality?
Droughts will reduce the capacity of tropical forests to sequester CO2 and store in in wood in the long run. This will have implications for the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle. Tree-ring analyses have revealed ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. M (Mathieu) Decuyper
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Restoration of mined areas in the Brazilian Amazon
Within a conservation area in the southern Brazilian Amazon there has been large tin mining activity in the past. Nowadays the areas impacted by mining are been restored and monitored annually for vegetation development and soil i ...
Supervisor: Catarina Jakovac
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Forest dynamics in oak- beech forest
The Netherlands contain a significant proportion of Atlantic beech forest ecosystems. On the Veluwe, a number of old forest complexes contain well-developed forest ecosystems of this type in late-successional communities. The comm ...
Supervisor: FEM group: J (Jan) den Ouden
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
How old is this tropical forest tree? (And how to estimate that?)
There’s a lot of discussion about the (maximum) ages of trees in tropical forests. Some scientists consider that thousand-year old trees are rather common, while others believe this is unlikely. Apart from this fundamental questio ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P.A. (Pieter) Zuidema
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
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