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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Tropical forest management - thesis and internship topics
Thesis and internship topics available on tropical forest management. Some possibilities: Logging effect on forest dynamics and forest productivity Provision of ecosystem services of managed forests Forest soils and logging ...
Supervisor: Marielos Peña-Claros and/or Pieter Zuidema
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Ecological boundaries for sustainable biomass harvest in production forests
Background The European Union is promoting greater mobilisation of existing timber reserves in order to exploit the full potential of biomass (Directive 2009/28/EC) both for energy and industrial applications. This leads to an in ...
Supervisor: Marleen Vos & Frank Sterck
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Exotic tree species in Dutch forests
Thesis or internship project on sustainable forest management: Exotic tree species in Dutch forests Competition or alliance? Black cherry in Dutch forests Contact Jan or Ute for more information! ...
Supervisor: Jan den Ouden & Ute Sass-Klaassen
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Trees twitter on drought effects
Several thesis or internship topics on forests and climate change - contact Ute for more information! For example: Trees twitter on drought effects: effects of extreme climate conditions on tree growth ...
Supervisor: Ute Sass-Klaassen (FEM) in collaboration with Ghent University (Belgium) and Thuenen Institute (Germany)
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Effect of climate change on Dutch forests
Several thesis or internship topics on forests and climate change - contact Ute for more information! For example: Effect of climate change on Dutch forests: climate-growth relationships of selected tree species ...
Supervisor: Ute Sass-Klaassen (FEM), Jan den Ouden (FEM) in collaboration with Paul Copini
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Wood as database
Tracking illegal timber: Tracking the origin of wood via DNA and isotopes Tropical forests and CO2 increase: CO2 fertilisation effects on tropical forests, information from wood anatomy & chemistry to feed tree models And ot ...
Supervisor: Pieter Zuidema and/or Ute Sass-Klaassen and/or Frank Sterck
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Understanding fire resilience of Chiquitano dry forests in Bolivia
Also possible as MSc Internship Over the last years, the fires in the Amazon have reached global headlines. Although most media attention has focused on Brazil, the rate of deforestation and fire-affected areas have increased  ...
Supervisor: FEM group: dr. MT (Masha) van der Sande
Other organisation: Geovana Carreño (Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolivia)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
UAV canopy sampling and leaf water potentials for Climate-Smart Forestry
Forest density reductions are suggested to protect our forests from future dry and hot conditions. However, effectiveness of density reductions remains incongruent and not adequately tested. This is primarily due to the lack of ex ...
Supervisor: FEM group: prof.dr.ir. FJ (Frank) Sterck, A (Arjen) de Jonge MSc, ACE (Eva) Meijers MSc
GRS group: dr. H (Harm) Bartholomeus

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
The role of leaf venation in stomatal conductance responses to drought in lianas and trees in the canopy of two tropical forests
MSc thesis Lianas are increasing in many tropical forests with potential negative implications for forest biodiversity, productivity, carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. We have measured large, adult individuals ...
Supervisor: FEM group: Frank Sterck
Other organization: Jose Medina (STRI, Panama)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Carbon Storage in Harvested Wood Products and Timber constructions in the Netherlands
MSc / BSc thesis (depending on size / depth of analysis) FEM is involved in quantifying carbon in harvested wood products for a range of conditions, based on country data on harvested wood, wood use, and HWP lifespan. Previously ...
Supervisor: Prof.dr.ir. Frits Mohren
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
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