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Fertilization impacts on interactions between ungulates and forest vegetation
Open to:
Mainly MSc thesis projects, but there might be possibilities for MSc internship/ BSc thesis/ BSc internship.
Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition leads to eutrophication and soil acidification globally, which may change ...
Supervisor: FEM: J (Jan) den Ouden, WEC: IMA (Ignas) Heitkonig; PA (Patrick) Jansen; S (Sylvana) Harmsen MSc. Leontien Krul (De Hoge Veluwe National Park)
Depending on the topic, collaboration with Biometris supervisors is possible
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Understanding vegetation successions in a thawing tundra
Shrub expansion is widely observed in the Arctic and is related to climate warming. However, at our field site in Siberian tundra we observe local drowning of low shrub species Betula nana (dwarf birch). Permafrost thawing can tri ...
Supervisor: Dr. Ute Sass-Klaassen (FEM), Dr. Ir. Monique Heijmans (PEN), Rúna Magnússon
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Fire and drought resistance of Jamaica’s forests; a long-term perspective
Climate change and human disturbances over the last millennia have shaped tropical forests into how we see them today. A better understanding of how tropical forests responded to these pressures in the past may help us understand ...
Supervisor: FEM group: dr. MT (Masha) van der Sande
Other organisation: S. Yoshi Maezumi (University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica)
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Which oak to choose? Provenance selection for resilient forests
Also possible as MSc internship
Oak is a key species in European forests. The ambition is to keep productive and drought resistant oaks in Dutch forests. To select plant material for future forests provenance trials have been e ...
Supervisor: P (Paul) Copini dr. UGW (Ute) Sass-Klaassen
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
How do Brazilian cerrado trees respond to droughts?
Increasing temperatures and drought stress may change the responses of tropical trees to climatic variability. In the dry woody vegetation of the cerrado biome in Brazil, these effects are expected to be strong because rainfall is ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. Peter Groenendijk (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Litter production during secondary succession in tropical wet forest in Mexico
The general problem:
During secondary succession after land abandonment in the wet tropics the
vegetation recovers rapidly. With biomass building up, the productivity and the
biomass cycling also increases. Generally with more ...
Supervisor: prof. dr. F. Bongers
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
High resolution tree growth responses to extreme drought events
Also possible as MSc internship
High resolution tree growth measurements as conducted by dendrometers provide us to study tree responses to extreme climate factors, such as drought, with high temporal resolution. In the Netherl ...
Supervisor: dr. UGW (Ute) Sass-Klaassen; P (Paul) Copini;
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Assessing Drought Impact on Tree Growth: Resilience in the Cerrado Biome
Increasing temperatures and drought stress may change the responses of tropical trees to climatic variability. In the dry woody vegetation of the Cerrado biome in Brazil, these effects are expected to be strong because rainfall is ...
Supervisor: prof. Pieter Zuidema
dr. Peter Groenendijk (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
How do Brazilian Cerrado trees respond to droughts?
Increasing temperatures and drought stress may change the responses of tropical trees to climatic variability. In the dry woody vegetation of the Cerrado biome in Brazil, these effects are expected to be strong because rainfall is ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. Peter Groenendijk (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
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