Project properties

Title High resolution tree growth responses to extreme drought events
Group Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Project type thesis
Credits 36-39
Supervisor(s) dr. UGW (Ute) Sass-Klaassen; P (Paul) Copini;
Examiner(s) J (Jan) den Ouden
Contact info (
Begin date 2021/01/01
End date
Description Also possible as MSc internship

High resolution tree growth measurements as conducted by dendrometers provide us to study tree responses to extreme climate factors, such as drought, with high temporal resolution. In the Netherlands such measurements are conducted on different species in Dutch forest reserves. Exploring the effect of e.g. the 2018 drought and putting it in long-term perspective by adding tree-ring research provides knowledge on drought resistance of important Dutch tree species.
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[Climate change effects / Population and forest dynamics/ Sustainable forest management/ Ecophysiology / Tree ring analyses and wood anatomy / The Netherlands/ Temperate zone/]

Corona proof: Yes (fieldwork, labwork & tree-ring analyses with R) field work (abroad) or intensive lab studies required=>suitable to be conducted in Corona time
Used skills
Requirements - WEC-31806 Ecological Methods I, or a comparable alternative course;
- One FEM course (at least), depending on the topic of the thesis: FEM-30306 Forest Ecology and Forest Management, FEM-30806 Resource Dynamics Sustainable Utilization, FEM-32306 Agroforestry, or Models for Ecological Systems FEM-31806