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Understanding fire resilience of Chiquitano dry forests in Bolivia
Also possible as MSc Internship
Over the last years, the fires in the Amazon have reached global headlines. Although most media attention has focused on Brazil, the rate of deforestation and fire-affected areas have increased ...
Supervisor: FEM group: dr. MT (Masha) van der Sande
Other organisation: Geovana Carreño (Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolivia)
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
UAV canopy sampling and leaf water potentials for Climate-Smart Forestry
Forest density reductions are suggested to protect our forests from future dry and hot conditions. However, effectiveness of density reductions remains incongruent and not adequately tested. This is primarily due to the lack of ex ...
Supervisor: FEM group: FJ (Frank) Sterck, A (Arjen) de Jonge MSc, ACE (Eva) Meijers MSc
GRS group: dr. H (Harm) Bartholomeus
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Tree crown development in relation to stand density
MSc thesis (BSc thesis)
Thinning interventions often aim at crown expansion of the future crop tree that is
released with the treatment. QD Forest management is a novel management
approach aiming to achieve ‘free growth’ of a t ...
Supervisor: Etiënne Thomassen, Frits Mohren
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Financial analysis of thinning intensity
MSc thesis (BSc thesis)
Thinning interventions -among other goals- often aim to optimize financial
performance of a stand. QD Forest management is a novel management
approach aiming to achieve ‘free growth’ of a tree in order t ...
Supervisor: Etiënne Thomassen, Frits Mohren
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Effects of rooting by wild boar on soil organic carbon
BSc thesis / MSc thesis (depending on size / depth of analysis)
Rooting activity by wild boar may lead to loss of soil organic matter and soil
carbon, depending on rooting intensity and frequency. In the Netherlands, high
wild ...
Supervisor: Frits Mohren
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Detecting effects of CO2 rise on the drivers of tropical tree growth
MSc thesis
Atmospheric CO2 rise increases photosynthesis and decreases water loss of
trees, but it may also increase leaf temperatures beyond optimum for
photosynthesis. Generally, CO2 rise is thought to increase tree growth, ...
Supervisor: Pieter Zuidema, Sophie Zwartsenberg
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Reproductive strategies of tropical tree species
MSc thesis / MSc internship / BSc thesis / BSc internship
Tropical forests harbor a tremendous diversity of trees, which are able to coexist
because of differences in their life history strategies. Tree species are engaged in
a ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lourens Poorter
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
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