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Organic amendments to improve soil water retention
Climate change leads to more frequent drought and high intensity rainfall events. In recent years, arable production suffered from both, with droughts being particularly impactful on sandy soils. Innovations are needed to prevent ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland (SBL) or Loes van Schaik (SLM)
Department: Soil Biology |
Busy beavers capture carbon
Environmental scientists have proposed drawing carbon out of the air and burying it to reduce greenhouse gasses and the impact of climate change. Maybe we can take some tips from nature’s own eco-engineers – beavers – which ...
Supervisor: Annegret Larsen
Department: Soil Biology |
Leaf manganese as a proxy for root exudation of carboxylates? (SBL)
Certain plant species release root exudates with high concentrations of carboxylates in response to phosphorus limitation. These carboxylates mobilize P from less available P sources. However, root exudates are very difficult to m ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland, Walter Schenkeveld
Department: Soil Biology |
Is there a need to apply organic fertilizers to agricultural soils?
: Soil organic matter is highly relevant to multiple soil processes and functions. How much needs to be applied from which quality to supply specific functions, however, is not clear. A long term field experiment with plots that h ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland, Inge Regelink (WEnR)
Department: Soil Biology |
Leaf manganese as a proxy for root exudation of carboxylates? (SOC)
Certain plant species release root exudates with high concentrations of carboxylates in response to phosphorus limitation. These carboxylates mobilize P from less available P sources. However, the concentrations of these carboxyla ...
Supervisor: Walter Schenkeveld or Ellis Hoffland
Department: Soil Biology |
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