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Soil organic matter and biodiversity in solar farms on agricultural land
Land-use change from conventional grassland or arable farming to solar farming is expected to have potential effects on the vegetation underneath the solar panels. Reduction in light availability will impact primar ...
Supervisor: prof. Dr. ir. G. de Deyn
Department: Soil Biology |
Do termites matter?
Deadwood decay is a critical yet understudied carbon flux, especially in the tropics. Deadwood is lost due to fire and biological activity, among other factors, but microbial and termite activity are the main drivers of deadwood d ...
Supervisor: Luciana Chavez Rodriguez, prof.dr. Ellis Hoffland
Department: Soil Biology |
Effects of fibre-rich low N/P digestate on soil functions
Soil organic matter is highly relevant to soil functions and supporting functions such as soil structure, water retention, and soil life. In a field experiment that lasted for 3 year, a fibre rich digestate with reduces levels of ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland, Inge Regelink (WEnR)
Department: Soil Biology |
Effect of grazing systems on root exudation
Like other plants, grasses actively regulate the rhizosphere environment and the soil microbial community by releasing root exudates into the soil. Grazing by herbivores causes a so called root exudate explosion which primes the m ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland
Department: Soil Biology |
Biodiversity for self-cleaning soils
Soil chemical contamination is a significant threat to biodiversity and soil function. Presently 60-70% of Europe’s soils are considered unhealthy. However, maybe a start of the solution could already be in the soils themselves, a ...
Supervisor: Alix Vidal and Esmer Jongedijk
Department: Soil Biology |
Effects of plant diversity and soil type on soil carbon cycling
Managing terrestrial ecosystems to increase the carbon contained in soils can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Soil carbon is also key to supporting ecosystem functioning and is therefore critical for sustainable land us ...
Supervisor: Robin Guilmot (SBL); Gabriel Moinet (SBL)
Department: Soil Biology |
Does soil pH affect the emission of NOx from fertilized soils?
The transition to sustainable agriculture aims to lower nitrogen pollution to the environment. Current research did focus only little on the emission of nitric oxide (NO) from agricultural soils, leaving a knowledge gap on how soi ...
Supervisor: Jurrian van Waaij (
Rima Porre
Department: Soil Biology |
Insects’ by-products potential on plant and soil
In a circular agriculture, insects are a suitable solution to convert food and crop wastes into premium high-value ingredients for humans, animals and plants. As an insect by-product, frass (excrement) has been studied in several ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland
Department: Soil Biology |
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