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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Mitigating N2O emissions from grasslands during extreme weather events using a plant trait-based approach
Intensively managed grasslands are an ecologically and economically important agroecosystem, and are more than half of all agricultural land. Due to nitrogen fertilization, they are also large sources of the potent greenhouse gas  ...
Supervisor: Gerlinde De Deyn
Department: Soil Biology
The use of soil amendments to reduce cadmium availability and uptake in cacao.
Cacao production in South America is strongly promoted and linked to important environmental and rural development goals. However, important market-related challenges include new EU food safety regulation setting limits to cadmium ...
Supervisor: Mirjam Pulleman, Bert Jan Groenenberg
Department: Soil Biology
Impacts of antibiotic residues in manure on soil microorganisms, N-cycling &N2O emissions
Circular agriculture aims to close elemental cycles which increases reliance on animal manure. However, veterinary antibiotics are still commonly used in animal husbandry to treat bacterial infections. As antibiotics are not fully ...
Supervisor: Zhongchen Yang, Gerlinde De Deyn, Jan Willem van Groenigen
Department: Soil Biology
Unlocking the secret of earthworm, root and mycorrhizal fungi interactions
Among the myriad of soil organisms, earthworms and plant roots are pillars for facilitating soil structure formation and improving soil quality. It is well known that roots use old earthworm burrows to expand in the soil, and eart ...
Supervisor: Alix Vidal
Department: Soil Biology
Insects for proteins – what about soil fertility?
In a circular economy, diets will be increasingly less meat-based. One way to produce protein-rich products, is to grow insects on organic waste. But what does this mean for soil fertility? Is the manure produced by insects still  ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland & Renske Hijbeek
Department: Soil Biology
The relations between soil health and food safety in cacao production systems of South America
Cacao production in South America is strongly promoted and linked to important environmental and rural development goals. Cacao is mostly produced by smallholder farmers. However, important challenges to enhance profitability incl ...
Supervisor: Mirjam Pulleman, Giulia Bongiorno
Department: Soil Biology
Getting to know soil functions and multifunctionality in Chinese agricultural soils: A modelling approach
With the extensive discussion of soil health, more attention has been paid to the contribution of soil to ecosystem services, that is, soil functions, including: primary productivity; water purification & regulation; climate regul ...
Supervisor: Yizan Li
Department: Soil Biology
Settling the soil C saturation debate
Managing terrestrial ecosystems to increase the carbon contained in soils has been described as a potent way to mitigate climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Soil carbon is also key to supporting ecosyste ...
Supervisor: Gabriel Moinet (SBL), Christopher Poeplau (Thunen institute, Germany)
Department: Soil Biology
How do different soil organic matter fractions respond to warming?
Soil organic matter (SOM) stores large amounts of carbon. Under the influence of climate change, higher temperatures have the potential to stimulate SOM decomposition, accelerating the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere ...
Supervisor: Karen Moran Rivera (SBL, SOC), Mathilde Hagens (SOC) Gabriel Moinet (SBL),
Department: Soil Biology
Organic amendments to improve soil water retention
Climate change leads to more frequent drought and high intensity rainfall events. In recent years, arable production suffered from both, with droughts being particularly impactful on sandy soils. Innovations are needed to prevent  ...
Supervisor: Ellis Hoffland (SBL) or Loes van Schaik (SLM)
Department: Soil Biology
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