Search results for 'Tropical' |
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Detecting effects of CO2 rise on the drivers of tropical tree growth
MSc thesis
Atmospheric CO2 rise increases photosynthesis and decreases water loss of
trees, but it may also increase leaf temperatures beyond optimum for
photosynthesis. Generally, CO2 rise is thought to increase tree growth, ...
Supervisor: Pieter Zuidema, Sophie Zwartsenberg
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Reproductive strategies of tropical tree species
MSc thesis / MSc internship / BSc thesis / BSc internship
Tropical forests harbor a tremendous diversity of trees, which are able to coexist
because of differences in their life history strategies. Tree species are engaged in
a ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lourens Poorter
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
Nutrient balances in tropical trees
MSc thesis / MSc internship
Trees compete for the acquisition of nutrients. Nutrients
such as nitrogen and phosphorus are crucial for plant
growth and survival. Species can have different strategies
to deal with (limiting) nut ...
Supervisor: Masha van der Sande
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group |
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