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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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The role of leaf venation in stomatal conductance responses to drought in lianas and trees in the canopy of two tropical forests
MSc thesis Lianas are increasing in many tropical forests with potential negative implications for forest biodiversity, productivity, carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. We have measured large, adult individuals ...
Supervisor: FEM group: Frank Sterck
Other organization: Jose Medina (STRI, Panama)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Seed rain: reproductive strategies during secondary succession in wet tropical forest
MSc thesis During secondary succession after land abandonment in the wet tropics the vegetation recovers rapidly. Local forest recovery is determined by many factors but availability of seeds is crucial. This is largely determi ...
Supervisor: Frans Bongers
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Detecting effects of CO2 rise on the drivers of tropical tree growth
MSc thesis Atmospheric CO2 rise increases photosynthesis and decreases water loss of trees, but it may also increase leaf temperatures beyond optimum for photosynthesis. Generally, CO2 rise is thought to increase tree growth, ...
Supervisor: Pieter Zuidema, Sophie Zwartsenberg
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Reproductive strategies of tropical tree species
MSc thesis / MSc internship / BSc thesis / BSc internship Tropical forests harbor a tremendous diversity of trees, which are able to coexist because of differences in their life history strategies. Tree species are engaged in a ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lourens Poorter
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Does shade tolerance explain the distribution of wet and dry tropical tree species?
MSc thesis / MSc internship / BSc thesis / BSc internship Species distribution is determined by environmental filters that can determine what species can occur where. Shade and drought are thought to be the two most important e ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lourens Poorter
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Effects of climatic variability on tropical tree populations. How to scale up from tree growth to population viability?
MSc thesis Tree-ring analyses of tropical tree species have shown that years with low rainfall and high temperatures reduce stem growth and may also increase mortality. Climate change will likely increase the frequency and sev ...
Supervisor: Pieter Zuidema & Peter van der Sleen
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
What do ontogenetic changes in wood density tell us about species’ functional strategy?
MSc thesis / MSc internship A tree experiences strongly changing pressures during its lifetime. For example, protection from herbivores and other physical damage may be more important in early life stages, whereas support is i ...
Supervisor: Masha van der Sande
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Nutrient balances in tropical trees
MSc thesis / MSc internship Trees compete for the acquisition of nutrients. Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are crucial for plant growth and survival. Species can have different strategies to deal with (limiting) nut ...
Supervisor: Masha van der Sande
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Recovery of functional composition in secondary forests in the Atlantic forest using chronosequences
MSc thesis/MSc Internship Large-scale restoration in the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil needs novel upscaling from thousands to millions of hectares. The NewFor project is part of a large collaboration between Dutch and Braz ...
Supervisor: Rens Brouwer
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Predicting functional traits (leaf and branch traits) using spectrometry in the Atlantic forest
MSc thesis / MSc internship / The linking of individual functional traits to ecosystem processes used extensively in ecology, however the measurement of individual trait values requires extensive measurements and is time consum ...
Supervisor: Rens Brouwer
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
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