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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Bimodal dispersal strategies in black wheatears - radiotracking wild birds (fieldwork in Spain)
Most animals leave their parents when they are independent enough to fend for themselves, but in some species offspring associate with their parents for an extended time. In the black wheatear (Oenanthe leucura) offspring do both; ...
Supervisor: Gretchen Wagner
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Animal personality: cat personality
Wageningen university has its own population of house cats, which are frequently used for behaviour and nutritional research. Over the years, several personality tests have been performed with these cats, from a young age onwards. ...
Supervisor: Bonne Beerda, Jori Noordenbos
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Persoonlijkheidsassessment hulphonden
Hulphonden worden op verschillende momenten getest op geschiktheid, maar hoe betrouwbaar zijn deze gedragstesten? Hulphond Nederland werkt inmiddels enkele jaren met een gedragstest die wordt uitgevoerd op 4 maanden, 6 maanden en  ...
Supervisor: Jori Noordenbos
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Human-animal bonds: identifying horse-directed parenting styles
Parenting styles are known to impact on behavioural development in children and recently we identified dog-directed parenting styles. Next we want to find out if parenting styles exist also in the owner – horse relationships. This ...
Supervisor: Bonne Beerda
Department: Behavioural Ecology
The evolution of reproductive flexibility in birds
Studies of life-history evolution have historically focused on the variation in mean values of traits, and regularly assume fixed reproductive values within species. However, the extent to which individuals can flexibly respond to ...
Supervisor: Gretchen Wagner
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Social Behaviour: Do more social fish always get more food? (database and video)
We have individual-based data on social foraging in wild guppies spanning several years that have been entered in a database and allow for the study of questions on the costs (competition) and benefits (facilitation) of foraging s ...
Supervisor: Lysanne Snijders
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Animal cognition: Mate choice for cognition- Do females fall for clever males? Laboratory based experimental work.
Being intelligent has many advantages. For a female guppy this means higher chances of survival under predator pressure, better ability to adapt to a changing environment, making more correct mate choices and generally learning fa ...
Supervisor: Alexander Kotrschal
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Costs and benefits of family-living in black wheatears – Autumn fieldwork in Spain
Black wheatears are a passerine bird that live in the Iberian peninsula and northern Africa. While most of the offspring disperse from the parental territory when they reach independence, some juveniles from each family delay disp ...
Supervisor: Gretchen Wagner
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Parental care behaviour and reproductive strategies in birds – Spring fieldwork in Spain
MSc thesis projects are available for the breeding season (spring- early summer) at our field site near Guadix, Spain. Field studies focus on the reproductive behaviour of diverse bird species, including black wheatears, European  ...
Supervisor: Gretchen Wagner
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Animal Cognition: Cognition in parrots at Loropark Tenerife
This project is a cooperation with the Max Planck Institiute for Ornithology in Seewiesen, Germany and the Loropark on Tenerife. The Loropark has a cognition lab 'in which research on avian cognition using a range of parrot specie ...
Supervisor: Marc Naguib
Department: Behavioural Ecology
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