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Professional Internship Zoo - Rotterdam Blijdorp
With the goal of promoting to students a better understanding of the reality of life sciences professionals in institutions like an accredited zoo. We offer the possibility of an internship at Blijdorp Rotterdam Zoo. In this inter ...
Supervisor: Filipe Cunha
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
Sperm biology and evolution
General background
Sperm are critical to successful fertilisation in sexually reproducing animals. The function of sperm – to find and fertilise ova – is universal throughout the animal kingdom, yet the sperm cell is the most mor ...
Supervisor: Dr. Melissah Rowe (NIOO-KNAW)
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
Animal cognition: knowledge attribution and inequity aversion in cats
Wageningen University has its own population of cats that live in CARUS. These animals are ideal models to study the cognition of cats, since they allow us to perform tests in a controlled environment, which wouldn't be possible w ...
Supervisor: Bonne Beerda, Jori Noordenbos
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
The ecology and social behaviour of free-ranging dogs in Morocco
The student will gain insight into the social behaviour and feeding ecology of free-ranging dogs by performing and analysing behavioural observations at the field site in Morocco. They will obtain experience in observational techn ...
Supervisor: Giulia Cimarelli (VetMedUni)
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
Life history of birds: a comparative study on reproductive behaviours
Comparative studies allow broad-scale inferences about how certain traits or behaviours evolve. Using a data-base and data from handbooks, there is a great opportunity to look at, for example, what explains variation in egg size, ...
Supervisor: Sjouke Kingma
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
Comparative study of avian behaviours and traits (BSc thesis)
Comparative studies allow broad-scale inferences about how certain traits or behaviours evolve. Using a data-base and data from handbooks, there is a great opportunity to look at, for example, what explains variation in egg size, ...
Supervisor: Sjouke Kingma
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
What a fish knows - how smart are they really?
Lab study
We have a fancy new fish laboratory in which we investgate the cognitive abilities of fishes. We mostly work with guppies but are flexible. There are so many options - please get in touch to find out what interests you most.
Cl ...
Supervisor: Alexander Kotrschal
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
What a fish knows - cognition in the wild!
Field study
We do regular field trips to tropical places to studz the cognitive abilities of fishes in the wild. Specifically we study:
- the factors driving cognitive evolution in guppies, for which we go to Trinidad
- individual differen ...
Supervisor: Alexander Kotrschal
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
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