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Behavioural Ecology Open topics
We offer a range of topics and opportunities for theses which are not all listed here, covering topics suggested by students, research in zoos or with colleages/institutions abroad which whom we can arrange these and internships. ...
Supervisor: Marc Naguib & other BHE staff
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
Human Behaviour
Human behaviour, just like animal behaviour, is fascinating to study from a biological perspectives. Topics for these can be discussed and can range from topics late mate preference, cooperation, communication or other ideas you ...
Supervisor: Marc Naguib
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
Conflict over parental care: are parents negotiating?
Since parental care is costly, evolutionary theory states that each parents wants the other parent to do the majority of the work in raising offspring. One proposed mechanism by which parents are predicted to avoid being exploited ...
Supervisor: Kat Bebbington
Sjouke Anne Kingma
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
What determines egg size in birds?
Bird eggs are surprisingly different in colour, shape and size. Surprisingly, we do not know why. Using a dataset, augmented with data from handbooks of birds, we will try to find out! ...
Supervisor: Sjouke Anne Kingma
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
Nest-site selection and habitat preference of savanna birds
In this project, you will determine the habitat characteristics and niches of different species of birds. This can be expanded by determining characteristics of the environment like food availability and by incorporating how these ...
Supervisor: Sjouke A. Kingma
(in collaboration with other groups, for example PEN)
Department: Behavioural Ecology |
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