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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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(FIELDWORK SWEDEN) The ontogeny of trust
Siberian jays can use warning calls to deceive neighbours and access their food. Similar to humans, jays have evolved a strategy to avoid deception: they are more likely to trust individuals with members from their own group, rath ...
Supervisor: Filipe Cunha
Department: Behavioural Ecology
The ecology and social behaviour of free-ranging dogs in Morocco
The student will gain insight into the social behaviour and feeding ecology of free-ranging dogs by performing and analysing behavioural observations at the field site in Morocco. They will obtain experience in observational techn ...
Supervisor: Giulia Cimarelli (VetMedUni)
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Pollination-Network Analyses in a Hawk-Month community in the Neotropics
MSc project: Pollination-Network Analyses in a Hawk-Month community in the Neotropics In this project, students will investigate the relationship between the several species of Hawk-moths and the community of plants that they pol ...
Supervisor: Alexander Haverkamp (ENT - WUR), Filipe Cunha (BHE-WUR)
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Pollination-Network Analyses in a Hawk-Month community in the Neotropics
MSc project: Pollination-Network Analyses in a Hawk-Month community in the Neotropics In this project, students will investigate the relationship between the several species of Hawk-moths and the community of plants that they pol ...
Supervisor: Alexander Haverkamp (ENT - WUR), Filipe Cunha (BHE-WUR)
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Avian Malaria: does it negatively affect individuals’ behaviour and health?
Avian malaria is a common disease in birds. These blood parasites are predicted to negatively affect individuals’health and reproduction. However, results of tests of the effects of malaria are mixed; potentially this is because i ...
Supervisor: Sjouke Kingma
Kevin Matson
Kat Bebbington.

Department: Behavioural Ecology
Greylag Goose: adult behaviour using scan and focal sampling
Using our GooseGander app, you will become proficient at using the two most common techniques for behavioural data collection: scan and focal sampling. The data can be used to quantify patterns of social proximity, social interact ...
Supervisor: Alexander Kotrschal
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Calibrating anti-poaching tracking devices in Rhinos
We are currently looking for students to join an internship project in Blijdorp Zoo. The project aims to calibrate the state of the art tracking devices with rhinoceros behaviour with the goal of predicting and preventing poaching ...
Supervisor: Filipe Cunha
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Conservation Behaviour and Ecology of New Zealand birds
New Zealand's native vertebrates are threatened by invasive species from Europe and Australia. As a consequences several Ecosanctuaries have been set up, where the fauna is protected by a fence keeping non native predators out. Bu ...
Supervisor: Marc Naguib
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Animal Communication: The ecology of acoustic communication
Animal signals underly selection by the acoustic properties of the environment in which they are used to communicate. During transmission signals degrade and attenuate so that a distant receiver will make its decision based on a s ...
Supervisor: Hugo Loning; Marc Naguib
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Animal Communication: Noise effects on animal vocal communication
Noise (and light) pollution is increasingly becoming ubiquitous in urban and also rural environments, due to traffic and other human activities. The project provides different options. ...
Supervisor: Marc Naguib and Hugo Loning
Department: Behavioural Ecology
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