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Effect of water misting on lemonade wasps.
For a side project in collaboration with we want to show that water misting repels lemonade wasps in a bio-friendly way to avoid nuisance in the summer months.
The student is asked to design the setup of the experiment ...
Supervisor: Eveline Verhulst
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
Population structure in ladybird beetles
Organisms are adapted to their local environment. This may mean that there are geographic differences in the occurrence of alleles at adaptive loci. The frequency at a particular locality of a certain adaptive allele is not only i ...
Supervisor: Dr P.W. de Jong
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
How to catch more (blood-fed) mosquitoes?
Several traps are available to trap mosquitoes and thereby monitor vectors of diseases like malaria, dengue and Zika. However, these traps are not designed to catch blood-fed mosquitoes. Blood-fed mosquitoes are especially interes ...
Supervisor: Sander Koenraadt, Tessa Visser
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
Testing biological a stable fly control protocol in a grazing herd in the Netherlands
Location: Dobbelhoeve, Udenhout, NL
Period: April – October 2024
Involved parties: Bestico, Lely International, Dobbelhoeve, Kaasboerderij Matthijsen
Test effectiveness of a protocol using beneficial insects in the ba ...
Supervisor: Rozan van Rossum (Lely)
Marjolein Derks (WUR)
Martine Kos (WUR)
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
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