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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Animal cognition: Does being clever in one task mean being a genius generally? Project based on existing data
Cognition includes many different aspects, ranging from basic traits like attention and perception to more complex skills like insight and theory of mind that are traditionally associated with a few large brained species such as p ...
Supervisor: Alexander Kotrschal
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Understanding nest parasitism: Shiny cowbird (fieldwork in Brazil)
In this project we explore some interesting questions on nest parasitism investigating the behaviour of Molothrus bonariensis and its hosts. The filedwork is in Brazil in Florestal, Minas Gerais, fieldwork can be conducted from Au ...
Supervisor: Filipe Cunha
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Cooperation, dispersal, and climate adaptation in Australian fairy-wrens
MSc thesis projects are available to study purple-crowned fairy-wrens in the Kimberley, Australia. Project topics can include cooperative breeding, dispersal, parental care, brood parasitism, and climate change, but are not limite ...
Supervisor: Niki Teunissen
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Animal Personality
Animal personality; a topic that has received much attention over the last 3 decades. Within this research field, many field, lab, data or literature studies are possible. Studies ranging from behaviorual studies, genetics and g ...
Supervisor: Kees van Oers or other staff at BHE
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Fieldwork in Norway: Adapting to the Arctic light, a study of the biological rhythms of Northern great tits
We are looking for highly motivated, independent students to join us during the fieldwork to monitor breeding birds in Tromsø, Norway. You will have the opportunity to learn several different methods to work with birds in the fiel ...
Supervisor: Barbara Tomotani (Artctic University Tromsø, Norway)
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Ecological behavioural genetics, genomics and epigenetics
Behaviour is plastic and has a genetic background at the same time. How can we explain behavioural variation from genetic data? This thesis or internship allows you to combine interests in behaviour(al ecology) and (epi)genetics.  ...
Supervisor: Kees van Oers (WUR-BHE/NIOO-KNAW)
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Behavioural innovation promotes population expansion in great tits
Thesis and internship projects possible on wild birds and on captive birds. Anthropogenic activities, such as the expansion of human settlements and global climate change, change the environment at an unprecedented rate. This cau ...
Supervisor: Kees van Oers (WUR-BHE/NIOO-KNAW) Xiaomei Chi (WUR/NIOO)
Department: Behavioural Ecology
Investigating Referential Alarm calls (fieldwork in Brazil)
MSc students. The fieldwork takes place between December and April in Florestal/Minas Gerais, in southeastern Brazil. In this project, you will investigate if the Lined Seedeater has referential alarm calls. In the fieldwork ...
Supervisor: Filipe Cunha
Department: Behavioural Ecology
(Fieldwork) Environmental constraints in nest parasitism
Fieldwork from August to November in Florestal/Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. In this project, you will study the nest parasitism behaviour of the Shiny cowbird. We want to better understand how the environmental aspects o ...
Supervisor: Filipe Cunha
Department: Behavioural Ecology
(fieldwork) Territorial males adjust their songs according to intruders’ song complexity
The fieldwork takes place between December and April in Florestal/Minas Gerais, Brazil. In this project, we want to understand if territorial male birds can adjust their song according to the 'level of expertise' of their intru ...
Supervisor: Filipe Cunha
Department: Behavioural Ecology
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