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Internship at Deliflor: Chrysantemum resistance to aphids
Deliflor Chrysanten breeds and propagates chrysanthemum varieties. Chrysanthemum growers have more and more problems with phloem feeding insect pests. Since insecticides have adverse effects on the environment and are being restri ...
Supervisor: Karen Kloth
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
Genetic and environmental influence on color in ladybird beetles
Ladybird beetles are often brightly colored, likely mainly to advertise their untasteful or even toxic properties to potential predators. Across and within species, color patterns vary wildly. Especially the exotic ladybird beetle ...
Supervisor: Dr. P.W. de Jong
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
eDNA as a new tool to determine host contacts of ticks and mosquitoes
Mosquitoes and ticks can transmit various pathogens, for example Zika virus and tick-borne encephalitis virus. Knowing what hosts are used by mosquitoes and ticks is important to understand the transmission cycle of these pathogen ...
Supervisor: Sander Koenraadt, Carlijn Balvers
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
Ant management in citrus: the good, the bad, and the ugly (in Spain)
Start and end date: from beginning of February 2024 to December 2025. Field work can be done from April to September 2024 and 2025.
Internship at Plant Protection- Entomology at Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias ...
Supervisor: IVIA: Dr. Maite Fernández de Bobadilla and Dr. Alejandro Tena
WUR: Dr. Martine Kos
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
Biological control on tomato plants lacking type VI trichomes - NEW
Tomato plants are typically covered in glandular trichomes: sticky hairs that inhibit small pest species. However, these plant hairs also harm beneficial arthropods. Because of this, only a few biological control agents provide su ...
Supervisor: Julia van Leemput (WUR Bleiswijk)
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
Mosquitoes as syringes. Xeno-diagnosis with blood fed mosquitoes
Several traps are available to trap mosquitoes and thereby monitor vectors of diseases like malaria, dengue and Zika. However, these traps do not catch blood-fed mosquitoes. Blood-fed mosquitoes are especially interesting because ...
Supervisor: Dr. Sander Koenraadt
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
Evidence based insect restoration in Dutch cities
Insects play vital roles in all of our ecosystems, but insect diversity and populations are under severe pressure worldwide. Today’s challenge is to identify and successfully implement measures and management types that support ...
Supervisor: Jetske de Boer (NIOO/Aeres)
Erik Poelman (Entomology)
Department: Entomology, Laboratory of |
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