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Flying tomato plants: a problem or an improvement?
SAIA has developed a new cultivation system to be able to move plants to our automated tomato harvester. This has never been done on this scale for tomato plants. There are cases for roses and gerbera that didn’t work out, but the ...
Supervisor: Tristan Marcal Balk from company SAIA Agrobotics BV
Department: Plant Physiology, Laboratory of |
Role of Salicylic acid in root salt stress tolerance
Salicylic acid (SA) is a well-known phytohormone for biotic stress resilience, but it has also been suggested to regulate ion homeostasis when plants are under salt stress. Ion homeostasis, especially the ratio between sodium and ...
Supervisor: Minnie Leong
Department: Plant Physiology, Laboratory of |
Mapping the salt-induced gene regulatory network that guides root branching
As a major abiotic stress, high soil salinity severely affects plant growth and crop productivity globally. Plants are unable to move from their location, and therefore require various effective mechanisms to cope with salinity. I ...
Supervisor: Yiyun Li, Dr. Aalt-Jan van Dijk
Department: Plant Physiology, Laboratory of |
Characterization of transcription factors involved in root salinity response.
Soil salinity is an increasing problem for agriculture worldwide. To understand how plants deal with this stress we study the development of their root systems under salinity stress. In previous experiments we have identified a sa ...
Supervisor: Kilian Duijts, Prof. Dr. Christa Testerink
Department: Plant Physiology, Laboratory of |
The role of blue-light photoreceptors in seed development (MSc only)
The transitional phase from dark-grown seedlings to light is very important. During this transition, skotomorphogenic seedlings must change many processes to become photomorphogenic and start photosynthesis. In this process, photo ...
Supervisor: Anniek Oosterwijk, Lars Bakermans
Department: Plant Physiology, Laboratory of |
Development of a seed vigour test for organic seeds
In organic farming, devoid of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, the microbiome plays a central role in promoting nutrient cycling and soil fertility. Beneficial bacteria and fungi can promote nutrient absorption and strengthen ...
Supervisor: Jan Kodee
Department: Plant Physiology, Laboratory of |
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