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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Palaeogroundwater reconstruction of sandy landscapes using drift-sand dunes
Soil-and-water-leading principles are becoming increasingly important for spatial planning in cultural and natural landscapes. Reconstruction of past groundwater levels provides insight into the natural functioning of groundwater  ...
Supervisor: Jasper Candel (SGL, WUR), Marijn van der Meij(Institute of Geography, University of Cologne), Laxmi Chaulagain (SGL, WUR)
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
River planforms; how do sharp river bends form in low-energy rivers?
Throughout the world, different river planforms in all types of geological settings can be found. Very distinguishable planforms exist in lowland rivers in the Netherlands, where river bends tend to be rectangular and skewed, op ...
Supervisor: Jasper Candel, Bart Vermeulen, Ton Hoitink
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Landscape development of a swampy meadow and drowning of ancient oaks in the Binnenveld area (Wageningen)
The fluvial landscape of the Netherlands is characterised by low-energy rivers, often with a meandering or laterally stable channel pattern. However, it is unknown whether streams have always had a clear channel, or that waterflow ...
Supervisor: Jasper Candel (SGL) and Cindy Quik (SGL)
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Digital Soil Mapping: Random Forest spatial interpolation
The thesis research will begin with a literature review of machine learning for soil mapping. Next you will study the RFSI algorithm and apply it to a test dataset. This is all done in R, using existing scripts that need slight mo ...
Supervisor: Gerard Heuvelink
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Determination of Fungal Biomass using VNIR/MIR spectroscopy
VNIR and MIR spectroscopy for analysing physicochemical soil properties has proven to be efficient and relatively accurate compared to wet chemistry methods. Recently, studies have started exploring the use of VNIR/MIR spectroscop ...
Supervisor: Titia Mulder (SGL), Rachel Creamer (SBL), Fenny van Egmond (WENR)
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Proximal sensing: Investigating relations between bulk density and penetration resistance measurements in relation to soil compaction
Both in field penetration resistance and bulk density measurements are heavily dependent on soil moisture content at the time of in-field measurement. Currently, little is known about what the impact of the timing is on final farm ...
Supervisor: Titia Mulder (SGL WUR) and Fenny van Egmond (WENR)
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Sampling design: Comparison of national and LUCAS soil monitoring schemes and propose improvements based on geometry and aim.
The “Land Use/Cover Area frame statistical Survey Soil” (LUCAS Soil) is an extensive and regular topsoil survey that is carried out across the European Union to derive policy relevant statistics on the impact of land management on ...
Supervisor: Titia Mulder (SGL WUR) and Martin Knotters (WENR)
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Validation of the Dutch Soil Map
The Dutch Soil Map is a vector map containing information about the soil type and soil properties. Contemporary research aims to create digital soil maps of the soil properties and their uncertainties. Therefore, it would be inter ...
Supervisor: Titia Mulder (SGL WUR) and Joop Okx (WENR)
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Digital Soil Mapping: Are piezometers useful for soil moisture mapping in space and time
The climate is changing and consequently, the Netherlands has been dealing with droughts and water shortages more frequently. The agricultural sector and water boards are especially being limited by the lack of accurate informatio ...
Supervisor: Titia Mulder (SGL WUR) and Joop Okx (WENR)
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Soil carbon and historic river management
Increasing carbon storage in soils has been argued to be one pathway to fight climate change. However, humans have changed landscapes for thousands of years and have modified streams and floodplains. These modifications have led t ...
Supervisor: Annegret Larsen, Roy van Beek
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
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