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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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Landscape Evolution: Fieldwork and Modelling Scenarios
Combine in a selected landscape (to be chosen) fieldwork (mapping, sampling, measuring) with LEM modelling and scenarios on the driving factors of landscape development or landscape evolution, with emphasis on e.g. sensitivity ana ...
Supervisor: Jeroen Schoorl
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Alluvial processes of terrace formation: OSL-IRSL dating and the different bleaching signals
Dating signals in river terrace sediments may vary following a river terrace down stream. The signal may become younger or older. What are the possible mechanisms? Can OSL techniques increase the knowledge about depositional proce ...
Supervisor: Jeroen Schoorl
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Mapping plant-available water holding capacity of the soil of sub-Saharan Africa to support crop production
In rainfed crop production, the root zone plant-available water holding capacity of the soil has a large influence on crop growth and yield response to management inputs, such as improved seeds and fertilisers. However, maps of th ...
Supervisor: G.B.M. Heuvelink
J.G.B. Leenaars (ISRIC - World Soil Information)

Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Busy beavers capture carbon
Environmental scientists have proposed drawing carbon out of the air and burying it to reduce greenhouse gasses and the impact of climate change. Maybe we can take some tips from nature’s own eco-engineers – beavers – which  ...
Supervisor: Annegret Larsen
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Digital Soil Mapping: Random Forest spatial interpolation
The thesis research will begin with a literature review of machine learning for soil mapping. Next you will study the RFSI algorithm and apply it to a test dataset. This is all done in R, using existing scripts that need slight mo ...
Supervisor: Gerard Heuvelink
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Uncertainty propagation in global soil organic carbon stock estimation
There is much worldwide interest in accurate estimation of the global soil organic carbon stock. This is because soil carbon storage can help mitigate climate change. For instance, the 4per1000 initiative (https://www.4p1000.org/) ...
Supervisor: Gerard Heuvelink
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Validity of feldspar pIRIR dating - does light exposure prior to burial influence luminescence sensitivity and burial dose estimation?
Feldspar luminescence dating methods are widely used in Quaternary geology, especially for sediments where quartz OSL dating is not possible. For equivalent dose estimation, the single-aliquot regenerative (SAR) dose method is  ...
Supervisor: Jakob Wallinga
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
Shedding light on meander development in response to climate and people; OSL dating of sediments of the Overijsselse Vecht.
The Overijsselse Vecht is largely canalized and controlled by weirs. However, the ambition is to restore the stream to a half-natural lowland river. To make informed decissions, we need better insight in how the system functioned  ...
Supervisor: Jakob Wallinga, Jasper Candel, Bart Makase
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
A new global assessment of soil nutrient balances
Global soil resources are under increasing pressure. Many subsistence farming systems are prone to an irreversible decline of soil fertility, whereas high input systems are resulting in environmental contamination. Discussions aro ...
Supervisor: J.J. Stoorvogel; C. Hendriks
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
A global soil map for environmental modelling
Recently a new global soil map for environmental modelling has been created. The basis for the soil map is a global model for soil formation based on an extensive literature review. The question that remains is whether we can impr ...
Supervisor: J.J. Stoorvogel
Department: Soil Geography and Landscape
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