Project properties

Title Does soil pH affect the emission of NOx from fertilized soils?
Group Soil Biology
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Jurrian van Waaij (
Rima Porre
Examiner(s) Rachel Creamer (
Contact info Jurrian van Waaij (
Begin date 2025/03/01
End date
Description The transition to sustainable agriculture aims to lower nitrogen pollution to the environment. Current research did focus only little on the emission of nitric oxide (NO) from agricultural soils, leaving a knowledge gap on how soil properties relate to NO emission. In this thesis, the goal is to determine how liming of a soil leads to changes in NO emission. To reach this goal, a lab experiment will be conducted in which a soil is incubated at 3 different liming rates with 2 different fertilizers. The experiment will last 1-2 month.
Used skills Writing proposal and thesis, experimental design, field work, chemical and biological laboratory work, data analysis.
Requirements See study handbook SBL-81836