Project properties

Title Exploring the effect of intercropping on root traits and AMF colonization in Brassica-Allium intercropping (from a breeding perspective)
Group Biosystematics Group
Project type thesis
Credits 36
Supervisor(s) Alejandra Gallo
Examiner(s) Dr. Klaas Bouwmeester, Dr. Peter Bourke
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Begin date 2023/08/01
End date 2025/02/20
Description Description Intercropping is an alternative cropping system that allows higher biodiversity both, above and belowground. Previous research has shown that plant-plant interactions belowground play a main role in resource acquisition and complementarity thus, higher yields, however, the effect of intercropping on functional root traits has been poorly studied.

In this thesis, you will explore different functional root traits in intercropping and monocropping systems of different morphotypes of Brassica oleracea (cauliflower, broccoli, kale etc) and Allium fistulosum.

Used skills Root phenotyping, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi colonization analysis, C:N analysis
Requirements Motivated to work in a field experiment, basic knowledge on intercropping systems and plant-soil interactions.