Project properties |
Title | Soil carbon and historic river management |
Group | Soil Geography and Landscape |
Project type | thesis |
Credits | 36 |
Supervisor(s) | Annegret Larsen, Roy van Beek |
Examiner(s) | Annegret Larsen, Roy van Beek |
Contact info | Annegret Larsen |
Begin date | 2023/02/01 |
End date | |
Description | Increasing carbon storage in soils has been argued to be one pathway to fight climate change. However, humans have changed landscapes for thousands of years and have modified streams and floodplains. These modifications have led to a change in soil carbon storage, but it remains unclear how, why, and how much this has changed and hence it remains unclear what the natural maximum C storage in those soils is. In this project, you work with existing datasets to quantify the changes humans have made by historic engineering rivers and floodplains. If wanted, you can also focus on the investigation of a historically engineered small river floodplain close to Wageningen, including the analysis of historic maps, soil corings, and quantification and characterization of soil carbon in the laboratory. |
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