Project properties

Title ReViFES - Obtaining larvae of flat oysters for restoration
Group Marine Animal Ecology
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Pauline Kamermans
Sophie Valk
Examiner(s) Tinka Murk, Reindert Nijland, Ronald Osinga, Rosa van der Ven, Diede Maas
Contact info
Begin date 2023/03/01
End date 2024/03/01
Description At present, flat oyster hatchery production is erratic with sudden and unexplained mortalities of larvae and spat. Contrary to e.g. Pacific oysters, hatchery production of flat oysters is more complicated because fertilization takes place within the female followed by a brooding phase. As bivalves have limited or no ability to synthesize poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), providing food in the right composition and proportions may be crucial to overcome current bottlenecks. Hence we will carry out experiments on larval rearing with different algal diets. In contrast to earlier studies, we will use combinations of multiple algal species to increase optimization possibilities. The experiments will be carried out at the hatchery Roem van Yerseke in Yerseke. Larval growth and survival will be monitored up to settlement.

Can also be an internship!
Used skills