Project properties

Title The Argentina case: land use drives groundwater and flooding issues
Group Soil Physics and Land Management group
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Joop Kroes, Ab Veldhuizen
Examiner(s) Coen Ritsema
Contact info
Begin date 2021/05/25
End date
Description During the latest years Argentina is hit by floods which cannot be explained by climate change alone. Analyses at a national scale indicate land use changes as a main contributor to increasing groundwater levels. Research has a focus on catchments where modeling tools are being tested which should support evaluation of several measure to influence groundwater recharge, salinity issues and prevent flooding. Core of these tools are the hydrological model SWAP and the generic crop growth model WOFOST. Argentinian groups are setting up analyses for one such catchment (Laboulaye) and this brings up many research questions, like:

- To which extent can these modeling tools be used to evaluate measures?
- How can we make the simulation of these catchments more efficient?
- What measures are relevant and can be implemented in the catchment?
Used skills
Requirements speaking Spanish is a pré. Knowledge of QGIS and R.
Stay in Argentina is optional