Project properties

Title Impact of Nature Based Solutions on coastal development
Group Soil Physics and Land Management group
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Michel Riksen, Dirk Goossens, Juul Limpens
Examiner(s) Michel Riksen
Contact info
Begin date 2021/05/25
End date
Description Along the Dutch coast several Nature Based Solutions (NBS) have been implemented for coastal safety purposes like the Sand Engine near The Hague. They maintain the coastal safety by functioning as a sediment source for water and wind erosion. The sediment transported by wind is needed to maintain the current foredunes and create new dunes. Recently two NWO projects has been started to research their effect on the landscape forming processes and on the human interaction. Within the context of these project you can work on several research topics.

Research Objective/Question

The objective of this research project is to investigate the impact of these mega nourishments on the different processes like sediment transport, human interaction, sedimentation and habitat development.

What is expected from the student (type of research)

Design and execute a field experiment combining drone measurements to characterise recreation activity with local measurements on sand transport on the Sand Engine.

Design an field campaign to measure the relation between sediment dynamics and habitat development.

Or: study the conditions under which Marram grass can establish on a beach

Used skills
Requirements Knowledge on (wind) erosion processes, good in handling data in excel