Project properties

Title Modelling dengue dynamics and resilience
Group Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Clara Delecroix (
Ingrid van de Leemput (
Examiner(s) Ingrid van de Leemput
Contact info Clara Delecroix (
Ingrid van de Leemput (
Edwin Peeters ( for general issues about thesis/internship
Begin date 2021/02/22
End date 2023/12/29
The student will focus on the analysis of an epidemiological compartmental model for dengue, a tropical mosquito-borne disease. These models divide the population into several compartments depending on their epidemiological state: susceptible, infected, recovered... In the case of vector-borne diseases, the population dynamics of mosquitoes are also modeled. The student will implement the model using grind, a MATLAB package, and do a bifurcation analysis, that is to study the changes in the dynamic of the system occurring when a parameter value is changed.

Used skills Literature review, data analysis, modelling
Requirements The student is expected to have experience with Matlab or another coding language, or be willing to learn