Project properties

Title Seeding water: the socio-hydrological linkages of managed aquifer recharge
Group Water Resources Management group
Project type thesis
Credits 36
Supervisor(s) Jaime Hoogesteger and Britt Basel
Contact info
Begin date 2020/01/01
End date 2022/01/01
Description Country: Oaxaca, Mexico
Host institute: Ecothropic
Period: open

Project Summary: In Zapotec communities of Mexico, the rivers, and then the wells, went dry. Without water, there was no work, forcing people to migrate. The communities came together to construct small-scale measures to increase groundwater recharge. Thirteen years later, the rivers are running , there is water, work, and the communities are strong. Did these measures increase local groundwater availability, improve livelihoods, and reduce local vulnerability to actual and projects climate change-related impacts? In the current global water crisis resulting from climate impacts, inadequate management, and growing populations, indigenous communities can be highly vulnerable to climate impacts, but can also be highly capable of adapting. The experience of these communities may offer lessons about community-based strategies for increasing water security in the in the context of climate and global change.

Research Objective/Question: Through the interdisciplinary lens of socio-hydrology, social-ecological systems, and community-based adaptation, this project will consider the viability of managed aquifer recharge as a community-based adaptation strategy by (1) exploring the impact of these techniques on local groundwater availability and the relation these techniques and collective action have on the socio-economic development of these communities, (2) evaluating factors contributing to the success of these measures.
What is expected of the student (type of research): The student is expected to conduct an extensive literature review of socio-hydrology, social-ecological systems, and community-based adaptation to assist in the development of the multidisciplinary theoretical framework of this project. In the field the student is expected to work based on the use of surveys and semi-structured interviews to better understand the socio-hydrological relations that are shaping this specific case study. There is a possibility to assist in writing a peer-reviewed publication based on the research results.
Used skills Literature review, scientific writing, surveying, semi-structured interviews
Requirements willingness to learn Spanish