Project properties

Title ViTE - Vineyard Terraced landscapes: understanding the Environmental constraints to improve sustainable managements
Group Soil Physics and Land Management group
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Teun Vogel
Examiner(s) Coen Ritsema
Contact info
Begin date 2020/02/16
End date
Description Problem context
Mediterranean vineyard terrace landscapes are increasingly threatened by land degradation processes Their environmental, economic and cultural value are recognised by e g UNESCO, but a holistic approach to their conservation is largely missing ViTE is a 3 y PhD project at the University of Padova (initiated Oct 2017 and its research scope includes the following digital terrain analysis ( erosion modelling and the design and evaluation of practices.

Research Objective/Question
Previous work in ViTE explored various approaches to erosion simulations, using digital terrain analysis and several empirical or physical models However, a remaining challenge is to produce user friendly erosion maps that optimally inform and assist the end user (land owners, managers or planners) in erosion
mitigation plans The digital design and evaluation of soil and water conservation measures could be an important part of the student project

What is expected from the student (type of research)
GIS, digital terrain analysis, erosion modelling
Used skills