Project properties

Title Conservation Behaviour: Wetland bird behaviour and community structure along the Nile in Egypt
Group Behavioural Ecology
Project type thesis
Credits 33-36
Supervisor(s) Marc Naguib & Fred de Boer (WEC)
Examiner(s) Marc Naguib
Contact info
Begin date 2020/10/01
End date 2025/02/01
Description The wetlands along the Nile provide a prime case to study human-wildlife conflicts and human settlements and bird habitats are confined to the small linear habitat along the Nile. The thesis will be embedded in large interdisciplinary project (INREF ECO2) and PhD research projects on this topic. The focus will be on determining community composition and/or behavioural responses to disturbance at salong a gradient of human disturbance. The student will work along in the field with the PhD students who will organize the logistics (boats etc). For details contact Marc Naguib.
Used skills Ornithological field techniques; data management and analysis
Requirements BHE30306 Behavioural Ecology or other relevant courses; Bird identification skills