Project properties

Title WaterVision: crop production subject to
dry, wet or saline conditions
Group Soil Physics and Land Management group
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Jos van Dam / Mirjam Hack-ten Broeke
Examiner(s) Jos van Dam
Contact info
Begin date 2018/04/01
End date
Description To simulate the effects of hydrology and climate change on agricultural production SWAP (hydrology) and WOFOST (crop growth) are well-known models. They allow a distinction between the effects of dry, wet (oxygen stress) or saline conditions in the root zone. Although both models are well tested and available for use in WaterVision, there are still many questions that could be addressed for a thesis. An interesting topic could be the effect of soil temperature on root development and start of the growing season; another topic could be how to deal with different stresses during the growing season. How exactly does a cold and wet spring affect harvestable yield when the summer months are highly productive? A third thesis topic could involve model testing on datasets from all over the world as part of an international project. Can the SWAP-WOFOST model also simulate crop growth of soy bean? And can we incorporate nutrient management?
Used skills