Project properties

Title The invasive potential of the freshwater assassin-snail
Group Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group
Project type thesis
Credits variable
Supervisor(s) Ivo Roessink (Wageningen Environmental Research)
Edwin Peeters (WU-AEW)
Examiner(s) Edwin Peeters
Contact info Edwin Peeters (0317-483899; )
Begin date 2018/02/01
End date 2020/12/31
Description Imported for the aquarium hobby the so-called ‘assassin-snail’ (Clea helena) quickly takes care of any snail invasions of your tank. The potential of this exotic species to invade Dutch surface waters is yet unknown as are its effects on indigenous mollusc populations. In this research topics comprising hunting strategies, prey selection, reproduction and invasive potential can be subject of investigation but other related areas are not excluded. The experiments will be carried out in the laboratory at Wageningen Environmental Research in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Used skills literature review, laboratory experiments