Project properties

Title Dryland forest restoration using CoCoon
Group Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Project type internship
Credits 24 or more
Supervisor(s) Prof.Dr. F.J.J.M (Frans) Bongers
Examiner(s) Prof.Dr. F.J.J.M (Frans) Bongers
Contact info
Begin date 2017/06/01
End date
Description Dryland forest restoration is complex due to several environmental and social challenges. New techniques help trees to develop and grow. The CoCoon is an incubator for tree seedlings, enhancing growth conditions towards early tree establishment, especially in drier regions. The Land Life Company ( has developed this tool and wants to evaluate the impact of it, both on short term (establishment) and longterm, including implementation issues.
The headquarters is in the Netherlands, current projects in dry systems in several tropical countries, including Mexico, Ghana

Forest restoration/tropical zone/Africa/America's
Used skills Field work may be required, data analysis on existing data, communication and organizational skills needed
Requirements FEM-30306 Forest Ecology and Forest Management; REG-31806 Ecological Methods I