Project properties

Title Conflict and collaboration in water governance
Group Water Systems and Global Change
Project type thesis
Credits 36
Supervisor(s) Dr. Art Dewulf
Dr. Erik van Slobbe
Contact info
Begin date 2017/01/01
End date
Description Managing water resources in an integrated way takes place in a governance context where many different actors try to influence decisions regarding the water system. Actors like public authorities, (water) companies, water user associations, environmental ngo's, citizens and experts all want to have their say and try to reach their goals. Water governance is therefore characterized by a mix of conflict, negotiation and cooperation between a variety of interests, frames and values.

Specific topics include
- dealing with frame diversity in water governance
- the role of multi-stakeholder platforms and river basin authorities in water governance
- water conflict and negotiation
- scale framing in water governance
- transboundary water governance
- adaptive water governance

- Latin America (particularly Ecuador and Peru)
- Central Asia (particularly Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan)
- Europe (particularly Netherlands and Belgium)
- other regions where you have contacts
Used skills qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, interviews, policy documents, observations, (social) media analysis, interacting with stakeholders
Requirements For specialization Integrated Water Management, jointly supervised with PAP (public administation and policy group)