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BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

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 Search results for 'Pieter Zuidema' Results 1 -10 of total 18, search took 0.038 seconds 
Some trees grow faster than others: why?
Within populations of trees, there are substantial differences in the growth rates of equal-sized trees. Such growth differences between individuals can persist for several decades, and cause trees to strongly differ in age when t ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P.A. (Pieter) Zuidema
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Integrate satellite-based forest disturbance products with multi-element analysis and for improved timber tracing
Illegal timber trade is a huge environmental problem, and is often associated with organized crime and deforestation. Legislation to fight illegal timber trade exist, but their enforcement required independent ways to verify timbe ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. J. Reiche (GRS)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Tropical wood density unraveled: effects of species, climate and tree size
Tropical forests store vast amounts of carbon and thus play an crucial role in the global carbon cycle. Changes in the carbon sequestration of tropical forests will thus have strong consequences for future climate: tropical forest ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P.A. (Pieter) Zuidema; Dr. U. (Ute) Sass-Klaassen;
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Understanding environmental effects on delta 13C and growth of tropical trees
Stable isotopes are variations of the same element in the number of neutrons in the core. They are chemically the same but differ in mass and therefore some biological processes discriminate against one of them. Carbon isotopes in ...
Supervisor: Dr. Pieter A. Zuidema

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Can we link drought effects on tropical tree growth with tree mortality?
Droughts will reduce the capacity of tropical forests to sequester CO2 and store in in wood in the long run. This will have implications for the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle. Tree-ring analyses have revealed ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. M (Mathieu) Decuyper

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
How old is this tropical forest tree? (And how to estimate that?)
There’s a lot of discussion about the (maximum) ages of trees in tropical forests. Some scientists consider that thousand-year old trees are rather common, while others believe this is unlikely. Apart from this fundamental questio ...
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P.A. (Pieter) Zuidema
Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
How do Brazilian cerrado trees respond to droughts?
Increasing temperatures and drought stress may change the responses of tropical trees to climatic variability. In the dry woody vegetation of the cerrado biome in Brazil, these effects are expected to be strong because rainfall is ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. Peter Groenendijk (University of Campinas, Brazil)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Assessing Drought Impact on Tree Growth: Resilience in the Cerrado Biome
Increasing temperatures and drought stress may change the responses of tropical trees to climatic variability. In the dry woody vegetation of the Cerrado biome in Brazil, these effects are expected to be strong because rainfall is ...
Supervisor: prof. Pieter Zuidema
dr. Peter Groenendijk (University of Campinas, Brazil)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
How do Brazilian Cerrado trees respond to droughts?
Increasing temperatures and drought stress may change the responses of tropical trees to climatic variability. In the dry woody vegetation of the Cerrado biome in Brazil, these effects are expected to be strong because rainfall is ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. Peter Groenendijk (University of Campinas, Brazil)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
Drought resistance in Brazilian Cerrado Trees: An assessment of embolism tolerance
Xylem vulnerability to embolism represents an important trait to determine species distribution patterns and drought resistance. The disruption in water transport reduces the plant's capacity to function properly and can lead to  ...
Supervisor: prof.dr. PA (Pieter) Zuidema
dr. Peter Groenendijk (University of Campinas, Brazil)

Department: Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group
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