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MSc thesis or internship: restoration ecology Swedish Peatlands
A new large FORMAS-funded project (FORMAS = Swedish research council) will evaluate the effect of rewetting drained peatlands on hydrology, water chemistry, greenhouse gases, and vegetation. Many drained peatlands in Sweden are cu ...
Supervisor: dr. G. Granath (Uppsala University), dr. Juul Limpens (PEN)
Department: Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group |
Plant biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Various studies have shown that local losses in plant diversity (also called alpha diversity loss) can decrease the functioning of ecosystems, including their ability to produce biomass. What is less known, is whether another comm ...
Department: Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group |
Nitrogen deposition, plant traits, and carbon storage
Natural grasslands store large amounts of carbon, and the vast majority of this carbon is stored belowground. But in the Netherlands, various nature areas are exposed to high levels of nitrogen deposition. How does this affect the ...
Department: Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group |
Insect biodiversity in vegetable allotments
Are you interested in greenery and health? Plants, animals, and people? We are looking for a student for a socio-ecological research project, someone who is willing to conduct interviews as well as count moths. The setting involve ...
Supervisor: Fons van der Plas, Marthe Derkzen
Department: Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group |
Restoring pollinator habitats: where, for what and by whom?
Pollinators play a key role in crop and wildflower pollination, but populations show steep declines driven by human disturbances. Despite substantial efforts in Europe to reverse this negative trend, pollinators remain severely th ...
Supervisor: Remco Ploeg
Department: Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group |
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