Project properties

Title Fish and harbour porpoise presence and behaviour in windfarms and at shipwrecks
Group Marine Animal Ecology
Project type thesis
Credits 24-39
Supervisor(s) Jeroen Hubert
Examiner(s) Tinka Murk, Reindert Nijland, Ronald Osinga, Rosa van der Ven, Diede Maas
Contact info
Begin date 2024/03/01
End date 2025/03/01
Description This project aims to gain insight into fish and harbour porpoise abundance in windfarms and at shipwrecks, the link between fish and porpoise abundance and behaviour, and the link with environmental variables such as tidal patterns, ambient sound, and weather. If time allows, we can also explore what behaviour we can infer from porpoise echolocation click trains. The data is already collected using bottom-moored frames with echosounders, C-pods, and hydrophones. We typically deployed the frames for about 1.5 months in different windfarms and shipwrecks in a paired design. The project will be an opportunity to develop your skills in R, and to think about big data conceptually.
Used skills
Requirements Affinity with R