Project properties

Title Restoration of oyster beds
Group Marine Animal Ecology
Project type thesis
Credits 6-36
Supervisor(s) Pauline Kamermans
Examiner(s) Tinka Murk, Reindert Nijland, Ronald Osinga, Rosa van der Ven, Diede Maas
Contact info
Begin date 2023/03/01
End date 2024/03/01
Description Wageningen Marine Research (together with Bureau Waardenburg and Sas Consultancy) carries out oyster restoration projects for various partners (WWF, ARK, ...). The aim is to bring the native oyster Ostrea edulis back to the North Sea by developing self-sustaining beds. For this we need to increase our knowledge on the role of the food web in the development of shellfish beds. This concerns both predation by shrimp, crabs and starfish as well as their predators (different species of fish). What are the prey size preferences of the different species? What are the interactions between the species? Can we detect the prey in the stomach with eDNA? When successful, biological control of predation on oysters may be an option through the creation of habitats for fish in flat oyster restoration projects.

Experimental work in Yerseke or Wageningen
Used skills
Requirements Biological background, interest in life history of marine species